Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The True Beauty

This beautiful stanza has been taken from the poem “The True Beauty” composed by “Thomas Carew”
Stanza – 1: The poet hates only physical beauty and praises the spiritual beauty. He says that physical beauty disappears with the passing of time.
Stanza – 2: The poet prefers spiritual beauty to physical beauty. He says that beauty of mind and soul is ever-lasting.
Explanation/Central Idea :
Stanza – 1: The poet describes the spiritual and physical beauty. Physical beauty means the beauty of rosy cheeks, coral-lips and star like eyes. Generally a man loves his beloved on account of her physical beauty but this type of beauty disappears with passing of time.
Stanza – 2: The poet praises the spiritual beauty, the beauty of mind and soul. He says that the beauty of stead fast mind, good thoughts and calm desires never dies. If a woman has these qualities, she possesses true beauty. This beauty exists long even after her death because soul and good thoughts can never die. That’s why he hates the physical beauty, beauty of rosy cheeks, coral-lips and star like eyes.

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