Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening

This beautiful stanza has been taken from the poem “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening” composed by “Robert Frost”.
Riding on his horse the poet is passing through the woods. Seeing the beauty of woods he decides to stay there for short time and enjoy the beauty but his horse reminds him of his duty by shaking harness bells.
Explanation/Central Idea :
The traveller (the poet) is passing through the woods filled with snow. He thinks perhaps he knows the owner of woods. The beauty of the woods attracts him so much that he decides to stop there. His unusual stoppage surprises his horse and it thinks that he has stopped there by mistake and this is not the right place to stop. The traveller must fulfill his duty before going to sleep. The main point is that duty should be priority and promises should be kept. Every man has many responsibilities. They must be performed at any cost before sleeping eternal sleep (death).

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