Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Our Casuarina Tree

            This stanza has been taken from the poem “Our Casuarina Tree” composed by “Miss. Toru Dutt”.
            The poetess tells us about her “Casuarina Tree”. She used to play under its shade with her playmates. She went to Europe at the very young age. This Casuarina Tree reminds her of her friends and she pines for them.
Explanation/Central Idea :
            The poetess used to play under the Casuarina Tree. There was a big vine (Creeper) that climbed up to its top and its flowers will give a different look to the tree. The birds sat on its branch and sang sweet songs but the poetess does not love it due to it beauty and size. She loves it because she used to play with her playmates. Her memories are associated with it. She misses it very much in Europe. She says that not only he but tree also misses her and tries to send massage to her by making mournful sound.

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